Investigating NaturalPhysicalAdsorption ofOilContent byMangroves, A field-scale study

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 School of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran Enghelab St., PO box 43516-66456, Tehran,Iran

2 Faculty of Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Faculty School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


Mangroves are one of the main important species which have critical function in ecological
processes in the coastal habitats. Recent studies have focused on long term effects such as biological and
chemical responses and reactions of ecosystems. In this research, short term response of Avicennia marina’s
pneumatophores as one of substantial parts of mangroves has been considered while facing the oil slick in tidal
waves. Factorial experimental design was conducted considering three factors, each one in two levels in both
spring and winter seasons, separately. Experiments were carried out in the north coastline of the Persian Gulf
where one of the mentioned species habitat in the NaybandNatural National Park of Iran is located. Experimental
evidences on the studied blocks were investigated by experimental analysis, accurately. Results revealed the
main effective factors which can raise the damages of oil spill in the mangroves habitat through oil adsorption
on the pneumatophores. Investigations showed the concentration level of the main significant factors that can
affect the adsorption process. The second significant factor on physical adsorption is retention time, also
known as contact time. Tests results indicated that adsorption in winter is generally more than that in spring.
No significant effect of day or night time on the physical oil adsorption by pneumatophores was traced.
