Toxic Effects of Zinc Cyanide on Some Protein Metabolites in Fresh water fish, Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton)

Document Type : Original Research Paper


Toxicology Laboratory, Department of Applied Zoology, School of Biological Sciences, Jnana Sahyadri, Shankaraghatta - 577 451, Shimoga, Karnataka, India


Effect of zinc cyanide on protein and certain metabolites content and some enzymes activities
was evaluated in liver, muscle and gill tissues of the freshwater fish, Cirrhinus mrigala, during exposure and
following cessation of exposure. Fish exhibited significant alterations in the biochemical parameters in all
tissues studied. Levels of total protein decreased in all tissues, where as free amino acids (FAA) and protease
activities significantly increased (P<0.05). Similarly decrease was observed in the ammonia level with increased
urea and glutamine levels at all exposure periods. The enzymes involved in the protein metabolism altered
under the zinc cyanide intoxication. Increase in the protease and aminotransferases revealed amplified
transamination processes. Significant increase of phosphatases indicated increased rate of phosphorylation
and transport of molecules across the cell membrane. Withdrawal study also exhibited significant recovery in
all above biochemical parameters, in all tissue after the 7th day post recovery treatment. Present study
exhibited negative effects of zinc cyanide on protein metabolism. Fish with low protein content were not fit
for human consumption. Patterns of effects on intermediary metabolism suggest avenues to determine the
mechanisms by which such effects occur.
