Keywords = wastewater
Validation of an Analytical Method Using HPLC for Identification and Quantification of Aliphatic Acids Present in Effluents

Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2014, Pages 149-156

L.E.M.C. Zaidan; G. Guimarães; L.B. Santos; Y.B. Brandão; C.M.B.M. Barbosa; M. Benachour; V.L. Silva

Reduction of Alkali Supplement in a Pilot-Scale Thermophilic Multi-Staged UASB Reactor Treating Alcohol Distillery Wastewater

Volume 7, Issue 4, October 2013, Pages 823-830

M. Yamada; H. Harada; M. Yamauchi; T. Yamaguchi; A. Ohashi

Performance and Microbial Community Analysis of a full-scale Hybrid Anaerobic–Aerobic Membrane System for Treating Molasses-Based Bioethanol Wastewater

Volume 7, Issue 4, October 2013, Pages 979-988

N. Pattananuwat; M. Aoki; M. Hatamoto; A. Nakamura; S. Yamazaki; K. Syutsubo; N. Araki; M. Takahashi; H. Harada; T. Yamaguchi

A model to Predict the Behavior of UASB Reactors

Volume 7, Issue 3, July 2013, Pages 605-614

R. Rodríguez-Gómez; L. Moreno; L. Liu

Enzymatic Pre-Hydrolysis of high fat Content Dairy Wastewater as a Pretreatment for Anaerobic Digestion

Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2012, Pages 475-480

E. Mobarak-Qamsari; R. Kasra-Kermanshahi; M. Nosrati; T. Amani