Treatment of Tannery Wastewater by Various Oxidation and Combined Processes

Document Type : Original Research Paper


Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee-247 667, Uttarakhand, India


A general overview on the prospective of various oxidation and combined processes
in the treatment of tannery industry effluent are reported. Various oxidation and combined processes
such as UV/H2O2/Hypochlorites, Fenton and Electro-oxidation, photo-chemical, photo-catalytic,
electro-catalytic oxidation, wet air oxidation, ozonation, biological followed by ozone/UV/ H2O2,
coagulation or electro-coagulation and catalytic treatments have been considered. The tannery
wastewater with sulphide as main sources of pollutant, electro-coagulation is the best removal
efficiency process among the other oxidation processes, whereas for chromium, photo catalytic
oxidation process using nano-TiO2 and wet air oxidation in the presence of manganese sulphate and
activated carbon as a catalyst are more efficiency processes. The integrated combined processes
described permit to meet disposal limits, health quality standards and the recovery of several chemicals
utilized in the tanneries.
