Author = C.S. Ratheesh Kumar
Assessment of Water Quality Parameters in Mangrove Ecosystems Along Kerala Coast: A Statistical Approach

Volume 6, Issue 4, October 2012, Pages 893-902

M.N. Manju; P. Resmi; T.R. Gireesh Kumar; C.S. Ratheesh Kumar; R. Rahul; M.M. Joseph; N. Chandramohanakumar

Spatial Variability and Contamination of Heavy Metals in the Inter-tidal Systems of a Tropical Environment

Volume 4, Issue 4, November 2010, Pages 691-700

C.S. Ratheesh Kumar; M.M. Joseph; T.R. Gireesh Kumar; K.R. Renjith; M.N. Manju; N. Chandramohanakumar